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Adele Naidoo

Adele is a Perth based Artist whose work has been featured on The Block TV series, and in a number of magazines across Australia including Adore Home, Real Living, Inside Out and the latest Home Beautiful publications. Adele’s artwork can be seen gracing the walls of beautiful homes across Australia.

Growing up in South Africa with an Artist for a father, creativity and nature surrounded her. She learnt to appreciate the beauty and colour that made up her childhood. Her passion for art, design and interior styling, lead her to complete a Diploma in Interior Design while working as a Reggio Emilia Early Years Art Teacher.

Her work has evolved from purely digital drawings to mixed media, where she now combines both acrylic paints and digital art. Large scale florals, thick, textured brush strokes, and dripping paint on a subdued pastel or contrasting moody background is her signature style.